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These are prayers I've written throughout the years. They are created for rituals, ceremonies and personal evolution. Read them all, or flow to the ones that you are drawn to the most. They are all Universal so feel free to pray them, do the rituals and add it to your own life. May we all RISE!

"Every Effort To Rise Raises Another, I Am Here For You and Thank You For Being Here For Me."


And So It Is.......

A Goddess Blessing


Allow this Full Moon Goddess Blessing to enrich your entire spirit!


May you be filled with erotic bliss that only the nude nature knows!

Bring into full blossom your engorged erection and blood filled pussy lips.

May the pleasure you create be channeled in the light of beauty and wisdom.

May all know in truth, that sexual delights heal and balance our human natures.


As you evolve into the erotic mystic, and bless all with your earthly juices.

May the choices you make continue to bring positive experiences in every encounter.


I honor all with the wisdom of the goddess this full moon.

Open your body and your spirit and spread your joy!

Awaken the heart and allow your nipples to respond!

Keep wise to whom you let rapture in your presence and you will see life coming from within.


May your cock continue to grow large and ripe for penetration.

May all women receive the orgasm that grows and thrills.

May we continue to free our selves from shame and guilt, and build unions that bless and heal.


Give it to the goddess now!

Cream for me and please yourself.

Penetrate yourself from deep within and breathe new life into our generation.

As you offer your juices to me, remember to see all life as strong beautiful and wise.

  Come to me and honor me with your beautiful body spirit.


May this bring all, the Original Blessing of Prosperity!



Goddess Blessings to you!



Note: You can pray this blessing before and after you masturbate for a real powerful shift.


I Love My Self So Much!


I love My Self So Much!

So I can start Loving You!

And You can start Loving You!

And You can start Loving Me!


I love My Self So Much!

So I can start Loving You!

And You can start Loving You!

And You can start Loving Me!


I love My Self So Much!

So I can start Loving You!

And You can start Loving You!

And You can start Loving Me!


Goddess Blessings




Abundance, Abundance, Abundance


Abundance is the Line Connecting

Me to All That Is.

I Am All That Is Abundance.

I Matter....because Abundance

is the Source of All That Is......

And I Am the Source energy

Connected to Abundance!


And So It Is......


Abundance, Abundance, Abundance






Emotional Freedom


With Emotional Freedom

I Radiate Strength

Love Clarity and

Wisdom, which allows

my Life to Transform

into my DREAMS....



And So It Is.......







I am beautiful and healthy

I am growing in wealth and wisdom everyday

All of Gods Riches flow through me to Bless

Others and comes back to me


And So It Is





I Pray With Purpose


I pray with purpose

And hold the vibration of

Love through me


I pray with purpose

And hold the vibration of

Love through me


I pray with purpose

And hold the vibration of

Love through me


And So It Is

I Support Me


Moving into my pain increases

my presence and allows for

personal growth and wisdom to



I Support Me


And So It Is

Divine Release


“I now release everything and everybody that are no longer part of the divine plan of my life. Everything and everybody that are no longer part of the divine plan of my life now release me.”



“I now let go and let GOD unfold the divine plan in my life. I now cooperate with the divine plan of my life. That spiritual perfection in me now manifests the divine plan of my life. That spiritual perfection in me now manifests the divine plan of my life quickly and in peace.”


“I now recognize, accept, and follow the divine plan of my life as it is revealed to me, step by step. I rejoice in the divine plan which is the sublime plan, and which includes Health, Wealth, Happiness, and Perfect Self Expression for me now.”
















Diving Birthright


“I am the Divine Birthright,

My Body is the Original Blessing,

This Truth demonstrates itself

With my daily needs and visions met!”


And So It Is







In This Now...



In This Now......

My Desires are equal to my Vision

Therefore to my Reality.

I can Desire, so therefore, I can Create

In This Now...


And So It Is


Intentions & Integrity Prayer


My Intentions Activate

Sensations in my Body

And my Acts of Power

With Integrity Creates

My Dreams.....


And So It Is.....

Great Goddess


“May I continue

To be a Blessing

To All Those

I come in contact with.”


May I Prayer


May I Continue to be the

Love that I Deserve in

My Life….


May I Continue to be the

Love that I Deserve in


My Life….


May I Continue to be the

Love that I Deserve in

My Life….


And So It Is……

Mother/Father Earth Prayer


May we continue to honor Mother

Father Earth and one another in all

Acts of Love and Power!


And So It Is…

Every Day,

In Every Respect


I am Living

The Vision

of My

Erotic Spirit!


Father Earth


Father Earth

Father Earth

Father Earth


I Embody the Sacred Masculine

Father Earth and I are one.


Father Earth

Father Earth

Father Earth


Earth Father


And So It Is

I am All that is

I am All that is



That is All I am

That is All I am


I see the power that is in me and I use these gifts for the birthright I possess!

To Bless All Those I come in contact with!

And So It Is!


Goddess Blessings




I have the wisdom of all ages inside my bones and these bones send vibrations of all existence of life to you earthly beings.


May my orgasm send healing to those that desire it!

~ The Goddess


Listen carefully!


I am the first and the last. I am the earth and the sky. I bring all of your thoughts into reality and therefore I grant you with the spirit of creation.


All the yonis on the earth plane swell in joyous union of me! I lift up the cocks for hard pleasure of the women that allow them to penetrate deeply for the life energy it exudes.


All life regardless of sexual orientation is gifted with free will and therefore is afforded with the benefits of Divine Blessing to manifest genital sexual delights and is compelled to please those that it honors with their personal body.


You are born to release the orgasmic consciousness of life through your bodies. I am here to send to you the knowledge of this power.


Every joyous explosion of your bodies in union with another, brings longer healthy lives on the earth plane, you call home.

Every shared community that brings others to a higher place of living has healed another part of the planet.

Every choice of sexual union made in the name and the honor of The Goddess brings her consciousness alive!


Therefore go, and gather amongst you, all people that love for the sake of loving, and being powerful enough to show their potential to love unconditionally.


I grant you with the understanding of erotic enlightenment. Follow these tenets and all life will be forever orgasmic!


Goddess Blessings!

Happy Full Moon and Happy New Year!


I hold my love


I hold my love vibration

All around me

And I am forever

Blessed with all that

I desire


And So It Is

EveryDay Prayer


Everyday and in Every-way

I Am in alignment in thought

form and deed with who I believe

I Am....

Everyday and in Every-way

I am Power I am Alive ~ Statement of Truth


My Power lives in my pelvis

My Power lives in my belly

My Power lives in my heart

My Power lives in my throat

My Power lives within


I am Power I am Alive

I am the Light that I seek

The Light that I seek is me!


I am the Light that I seek

The Light that I seek is me!


As my at-one-ment unfolds

My light expands my life!


I am the Light!

I care for you prayer!


I Care for you in harmony

With the Love I have

For myself!


I Care for you in harmony

With the Love I have

For myself!


I Care for you in harmony

With the Love I have

For myself!


And So It Is.....

I am the Love


I am the Love that I believe in!

I am Life giving and affirming



I am the Love that I believe in!

I am Life giving and affirming



I am the Love that I believe in!

I am Life giving and affirming



And So It Is….

Fall Prayer and Ritual


In honor of the Fall Equinox the Goddess in me honors the goddess in you.

I lift my arms and open my heart in celebration of my body as a holy temple that resides on mother earth. My best emerges as I give vegetables, herb, fruit, nuts and any food to mother earth. I will bury it in the earth or place it on my altar.

I share this in thanksgiving for the fall equinox and to strengthen the earth body and we are all blessed.


I honor the god in all men as the Corn King and Harvest Lord emerges! May your manhood show all honor to her earth body and be continuously blessed by your actions of service!


I place my hands in prayer position in front of my heart and I bow to the North. I offer thanks for my home, finances, and physical health. I turn East and am thankful for the gifts of knowledge and then to the South for accomplishments in career and hobbies and to the West for my relationships, family lovers friends etc. Then I turn to my Altar or find a Center point and bow and am thankful for spiritual insights and messages.


Then I will enjoy a piece of food or fruit and be thankful for all that the earth provides and for all those in my life that I can bless and am blessed by.


Goddess Blessings

Holy Body Prayer and Intention ~ All


I am beautiful and healthy. My body has a glow that shines and my face is ageless. My smile brightens my face even more and my eyes sparkle and connect deeply to whatever and whomever I choose to see. Darkness and pain are released from others when they look into my eyes and we experience peace and happiness. My chest is firm and stimulates growth. My belly is the seat of my soul and channels the rhythms of life within me. My hips butt and thighs are strong and firm and my sex center is perfect and functions on Divine Time for sexual and spiritual enlightenment. My legs and feet are blessed, for they keep me able to go out doing God/Goddess’ perfect will.

May you create the future you desire!
May you honor your path of growth!
May the goddess whisper in your ear!
And may you see your true beauty in her!

There is more to you than you realize...tap into this power through the power of the Goddess! Look up Shelly and call your name and remember who you are!

You are....
A light of love and exciting possibilities, with the power to create a joyous reality!

Goddess Blessings to you!

I Am Love


I am the love that I want


I am the love that I need


I am the love that I desire


I am the love that I deserve


And this brings more happiness abundance and balance into my life!


I Am Love

I Emanate!



Within the walls of my body I emanate the power to engorge my sex center and penetrate with you!


Within the walls of my body I emanate the love to soak your body into my wetness as we merge into oneness.


Within the walls of my body I emanate health in my ability to ride the crevices of your physique, throughout our erotic dance and lick every stream of pleasure dripping from you.


Within the walls of my body I emanate wealth in my ability to reach your sacred spot and deeply rise into the realm of pure ecstasy with you over and over and over again!


In my Orgasmic state I emanate the power to sustain the trembling vibrations crawling between us both and we scream with the pleasure created between us.


In my Orgasmic state I emanate the love to bond with you as our sex scent fills the empty space around us.


In my Orgasmic state I emanate health as we have gifted ourselves with one another.


In our Orgasmic state we emanate wealth after receiving the offering of each other.


May we forever emanate the Power Love Health and Wealth of the sweet smelling, heart pounding, wet, juicy, strong and thriving Sexually Alive Erotic Spirit!


And So It Is!


Goddess Blessings


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